Thursday, February 19, 2009

Moira Recommends:

Getting off campus!

School is great, but everyone needs to getaway sometimes.  Getting off campus for a weekend or even just an afternoon is a great way to relax, blow off steam, and break out of your routine. 

Perks of getting off campus include:
1. Seeing old friends!
2. Making new friends! 
3. Finding interesting new places! 
4. Escape from monotony!
5. Seeing other people's schools! or
6. Getting away from anything school-related altogether! 
7. Coming back at the end of your trip and realizing how much you love your college!  
8. Having an adventure!

Here are a few tips and reminders for your getting-off-campus escapades:
1. Make use of public transportation! Public transportation is cheap, environmentally responsible, and oodles of fun!  Try making use of any transportation services that are available on your campus to help you get the fuck off campus, or check out how far you can get on Metro North for twenty bucks! 
2. Go someplace different!  While it's true that your quaint, rural campus is super-beautiful this time of year, the fact of the matter is that there isn't a whole lot of off-campus things to do in your neck of the woods.  Try shaking things up by going to The City, or better yet, by going to a different city!
3. Go someplace where you won't be inundated by things that remind you of school!  This is particularly true of smaller, shorter, briefer getaways, when you are more likely to stay in the local area.  An off-campus adventure to the coffee shop downtown where all the students hang out will probably not be a good idea. Going to the coffee shop across town, where there will be fewer students, is a better idea.
4. Do not go home! While going home is a practical option for off-campus escapes, and offers the alluring draws of free rent, free grilled cheese sandwiches, and free maternal affection, going home is sort of a cop-out.  What you want from an off-campus adventure is just that- adventure!  Exoticism!  Bold confrontation of the unknown!  Challenge yourself, because the world is your oyster! 

Getting off campus!

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